
Hehe, man kan ju göra hur många test som helst på Facebook...
Jag kollade vilken månad jag är född... Som om jag inte visste *Ler*

Här är mitt resultat:

Mariann just took the "What Month Were You Born?" quiz and the result is February.

You have a lot of abstract thoughts. You love reality and abstract. You're intelligent and clever. You have a changing pe...rsonality. You're also very attractive. Sexiest out of everyone. You tend to be a bit temperamental at times. You're quiet, shy, humble, honest and loyal. You're always determined to reach your goals. You love freedom. You're also very rebellious when restricted. You love aggressiveness. You are too sensitive and easily hurt. You tend to angry really easily but don't show it. You dislike unnecessary things. You love making friends but rarely show it. You’re daring, stubborn, and ambitious. You love entertainment and leisure. You're romantic on the inside not outside. You tend to be superstitious and ludicrous.

Postat av: Anna

Ja undrar hur många tester man gjort, man blir förvånad över svaren ibland, man kan ändå inte låta bli. Snygg färg på din månad :)

2009-09-05 @ 18:04:20
URL: http://annaadanirsvardag.blogspot.com
Postat av: Annika

Är det bara jag som inte förstår mig på facebook!

2009-09-05 @ 20:12:08
URL: http://bringblingtoeverything.blogg.se/

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